After discovering a passion for photography in 2014, my dad and I have been exploring British Wildlife and creating lasting memories together, carried by our love for the outside world and its endless possibilities. We have both made websites in order to motivate us to improve our skills as photographers.
Photography has been a part of my dad’s life since undertaking a photography course at college many years ago. Since then, he has been exploring many aspects of photography (mostly landscape) and in January 2014 convinced me to join him and buy my own camera -Canon 600D. Upon buying my camera, which included a telephoto lens, I was eager to test it out on some slightly more animate subjects than hills, hills, and hills. My first decent wildlife images came when we visited the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park, for my brothers birthday. Here I took one of my favourite pictures, the Red Panda, and dad took one of his first non-hill pictures. We were both hooked.
Since then, I have been enjoying being up close and personal with some of the most fascinating animals in Britain, while developing my photography skills along the way. I have finally drifted away from my previous photography technique ‘Spray and Pray’ and have adopted a more composed approach.
Encouraged by my dad I have entered a number of competitions and was delighted to be awarded Young Mammal Photographer of the Year 2019 (16-18 yrs) & runner-up in Young Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2018